Autumn Themed Dialog Boxes
Try on OpenGL
Just Deserts Coming Soon Page
Just Deserts Coming Soon Page
VOID Web VOID Web VOID Web Mobile Art by Kareidon VOID Web – Coming Soon
Under Construction Pages and Procrastination
So, A friend of mine asked me to make final touches to his website. But lately I am super occupied by my thesis. Thesis, you t
Old Archive of Math Problems
Late this night I stumbled upon a nostalgic old Ms Word file with an epic title “High School Math Problems”. I too
Happy 21!
Costumes 1 Costumes 2 Costumes 3 Costumes 4 Costumes 5
This is one of the evidences that I’ve been too busy to draw in my leisure time. If I had any. 😐 Geo
Get Well Soon
Ristek Open Recruitment Comic
This comic didn’t have any story when it came. I’ve spent several days without sleep during semester break. I was
Perbedaan Individu (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
A slide on Prezi here about MBTI.